Outfit Diary #4

Sorry for the long hiatus, I was too bothered by the release of my exam results that I even wore the same shorts out for 2 days. Well to be fair, they are denim and it's "scientifically" proven that you should not wash your denim apparels often because it damages it. (Read more here) #Excuses

Anyway I received these denim jacket from She In a week ago and I must really say that I am obsesssed. I know I was wearing a denim jacket in my previous post too but that was of a totally different cutting and wash! This one from She In is thick and oversized so it gives out a more Korean fashion vibe rather than the lighter wash one that I already own. I also love how the color is dark enough to match all of my jeans! But what takes the cake is the functional outer AND inner pockets which I can safely place my phone in them or just tuck my hand in them for a OOTD shot. Pockets are a must ladies!



Denim Jacket : She In
Top : Berskha
Jeans : Bash
Shoes : Adidas Stan Smith

 Warning : Things are going to get pretty personal ( and boring) from here.
I was dreading for this day to come so badly. I would space out and think about all the possible scenarios of today and none of them were positive to be honest. I know I did study really hard and I was very determined, but part of me know that I could have pushed myself harder but I didn't because, I just wasn't sure if it was worth it anymore. At one point I was crying at 4am, looking at my unbalanced Cash Flow statement and thinking WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF, then next day I realized oh it was just my period playing pranks on me I am totally fine. It was tough because I know others don't go through emotional outbreak like I do. Exams are just exams to them but it was like life and death matter to me. Even my parents were so worried because I was going haywire. They kept telling me it was fine but no, I did not endanger my liver just to be " Good enough", I did not sacrifice those clubbing Friday nights to get a pat on the head and a "not bad". I wanted to make my friends and family so darn proud and most importantly, I wanted to tell myself that I could do anything I want as long as I want it bad enough.
So today, I am proud to say that I was right.
I graduated with a First Class Honours.



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