The #PerfectBucketBag

Hello world, I am alive! 

Sorry for the hiatus girls, I have been busy with work and things are just sucking the life out of me right now. Oh did I mention that I am committed to a corporate job? Living that 9-5 life and I am still finding my way to balance between friends, boyfriend and family. Any life tips would be welcomed, seriously.

While I am so torn between balancing everything, a parcel from Sometime came and everything got a little better. It is amazing how retail therapy lifts up my mood, I am sure some of you girls will understand what I mean right?! Why I am so glad this parcel came?

1. I needed a bag for work. I want it spacious, pretty and durable. Isn't it exactly what this bag is?! Trust me girls, I stuff my pencil case, make up bag, charger, tupperware ( breakfast), and notebook in this and there are still ample space left. I feel like Doraemon sometimes because I always just magically have everything inside my bag.

2. It says MY NAME. Well I know for some of you it could be narcissistic to have your things customized, but not me. When people notice that I have my bag written on my bag, they always find it so interesting! It became a great conversation starter especially for girls.

Here I also have another bucket bag from Sometime but I think that is more suitable for off-work use because it's smaller in size. But the quality is really amazing and I can testify because I have been using it for almost a year now! And I also fell in love with this shade of mustard brown because I realized how versatile it is.

Till then,

Ps: This post is not a paid advertisement, just wanted to share with you girls what I am loving!


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