
Showing posts from November, 2017

I Need My Life Back

So some of you may know that I am now jumping on the bandwagon of the 9-5 life. I must admit that I am doing badly at balancing my time for my boyfriend, my friends, my family, and the hardest of all, myself. The corporate life is no easy life, especially when yours truly here is juggling between two jobs. Nope, I did not give up on Bash. My afterwork hours on weekdays are solely dedicated to Bash. No complaints though, because I have a goal to chase and a financial planner once told me that the most precious asset I have now is... *drumrolls* my youth. I would have thought that was too cliche, but now I couldn't agree more. On a side note, yes, I am at that stage in life where financial planners have to come into the picture. To commemorate the freedom that I was diligently wasting for the past 8 months pre-employment, here are some snippets for keepsake. Chinese New Year mandatory dress code- Red.  Okay this series of photos have really high sentimental value becaus...